When and why do we need to ask for information about your shipments?

Updated by GB Robins

Here is a quick video on the information and reasons that we may ask you for more details about your shipment:

Before your shipment can cross the border, we need to provide customs with the following information:

  1. Seller name & address
  2. Buyer name & address
  3. Shipment Date
  4. Shipment Description (what exactly is the item, what material the item is made from, where/how it's used, what it's parts for) 
  5. Shipment Value (and Currency)
  6. Shipment Country of Manufacture

If we don’t get this information, your shipment could be held up, a driver/carrier could be delayed, or you could have waiting or storage fees.

After your shipment has crossed the border, we have about 5 business days to confirm all the information is correct and accurate. If new information comes up after the shipment crosses the border, we may ask you for clarification before the shipment is confirmed.If we don’t get this information, your shipment could be declared with inaccurate information, causing extra costs, fines or penalties.

Weeks, months and years after your shipment has crossed the border - after your shipment is confirmed, customs may still have to ask for clarification or more information if your products are being audited. Customs can go back in some cases 5 years or more to audit or re-assess your shipments, and we may ask you to clarify or confirm your shipment details.

If you don’t provide this information, customs can fine you and restrict you from importing in the future.

For a complete list of items required to be considered a complete declaration, please visit our website at www.aacb.com 

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